Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dancing in front of my laptop.

Oh my gosh, I don't know what is it with me and boybands. I am not a die hard fan and all, but dammit the songs are so catchy! Currently I am infatuated with The Wanted boys. My favourite is Jay. Oh those blonde curls, and his geek qualities! Tre adorable. So they have a new album coming up!! And their new single is called 'Glad You Came'. You know I've always expressed a disliking towards repetitive pop songs and dance musics. But I don't know sometimes, there's exception. Yeah when good looking guys are singing the songs ;) hahaha no I genuinely really like this song. It's upbeat, something I need to brighten up these holidays. I mean come on, it's so upbeat that it makes me want to dance. Yes, I did dance in front of my laptop. I don't care! I think I've contributed to a lot views for this song in YouTube.

Have a listen yeah :D Hope you enjoy it.

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